Cloverdale Middle School
"We Excel At Cloverdale..."
Cloverdale EAST Night Out
is Scheduled for
​October 13, 2015, 6:00-7:30pm
We invite you to be a part of the best of modern education, the EAST® Initiative's Open House! EAST Night Out is an opportunity for EAST schools across the nation to share with their communities the power of student-driven, service-based, technology-infused, education. It is an opportunity to showcase your school, your students, your communities, and your futures. EAST students are seeking out and solving problems in their communities and preparing themselves to you. Come and share, coachieve in ways that will stagger me and see, come and be amazed. Education is different here.

>> EAST Night Out

Over 200 schools participate in EAST with the majority hosting their individual EAST Night Out on Tuesday, October 6th. Students will share projects they are working on and hopefully some that are just getting started. On this night, we will invite community and business leaders, media, and parents to let EAST students show - and tell - their EAST story. Take advantage of this exciting opportunity to see how you and your community can get involved with EAST students who are changing their world.
The following students and their parents attended the EAST Night Out