PTSA President - Ms Tommie Skinner
April 17th at 5:30 PTSA Meeting Collaboration/Planning for the 21st Century Grant Application
"We Excel At Cloverdale..."
School Mission
The Mission of PTA
To support and speak on behalf of children and youth in the schools, in the community, and before governmental bodies and other organizations that make decisions affecting children;
To assist parents in developing the skills they need to raise and protect their children; and
To encourage parent and public involvement in the public schools of this nation.
Cloverdale Middle School
Parent Involvement Committee members
Mrs. Wanda Ruffins, Principal
Mrs. Tommie Skinner, PTSA President
Dr. Angela Dallas, Parent Facilitator
Mr. Kelvin Walton, Parent
Ms. L’akeia Lovelace, Secretary
Ms. Angee Butcher, English Department
Ms. Marayah Jackson, Student Council President
Mr. David Bernard, PTSA Treasurer
Mrs. Jessie Pointer, Parent
Ms. Estefany Castillo, Parent
Mr. Gary Godley, Grandparent
Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Cornealious, Grandparents
Mr. Andrew Ponce Garcia, Student Council
Cloverdale received the 2014 Partnership School Award Special Recognition for an Excellent and Sustained program of school, family and community partnership from National Network of Partnership Schools(NNPS); Cloverdale also have two Parent, School Community Activities published in the (NNPS) 2014 Promising Partnership Practices publication. Cloverdale Middle School is currently on Academic Distress Status. We are a Charter, Title I school that services sixth through eighth grade students. Ninety-five (95%) of our students received free or reduced lunch.
6300 Hinkson Rd.
Little Rock, AR 72209
Cloverdale Middle School (CMS) will communicate with parents in the following ways to increase parent involvement and to support classroom instruction by: Contact Dr. Dallas, Parent Facilitator at 447-2548or Jade Salzman, Parent Coordinator at 447-2520
The school will maintain a school website to provide on-going communication of classroom, school events, and meetings.
The school will provide computer training sessions on Edline and Computer Basics training to aid parents in accessing their child’s grade reports.
Parent may communicate with Teachers and Administrators through phone calls, emails, and school visits.
The Principal will provide a monthly report at PTSA meeting to parents on past, present, and future classroom activities, assessments and students’ overall progress.
The School’s Literacy and Math Specialists will distribute parent activity kits to assist their child in the home with assignments and activities.
The school will utilize the parentlink to communicate notifications of school events and the need for their support.
The Parent Facilitators will provide assistance to parents through workshops, correspondence, and phone calls to facilitate active involvement in academic activities.
The school will provide a Parent Center for parents to use a computer and access online parenting materials.
The school will provide interim progress reports to parents on their students’ academic progress.
CMS plans the following PTSA meetings/functions to increased parent involvement; build staff and parent capacity at CMS; All function hours are 5:30pm -7:30pm:
AVID Binder Bash: September 10, 2014; February 23, 2015 – Mr. Sumlin 447-2592
Wkly Action Team for Partnerships Meetings, Fridays @ 1:00pm Room 3 Ms. Salzman 447-2520
Open House: September 18, 2014: Campus Leadership Team (501) 447-2500
Grade Level Assemblies: Nov. 1, Dec. 6, Jan. 10th, Feb. 7th, March 7th, April 4th, & May 2nd. during 6th, 7th, 7 8th periods: Ms. Baylark, 6th grade 447-2510 Mr. Anthony, 7th grade (501) 447- 2508, & Mr. Bernard, 8th grade 447- 2509,
EAST Night: November 20, 2014 – Mr. White (501) 447- 2553
Aerospace Absolutely Awesome in April: April 30, 2015 – Mr. St. Pierre (501) 447-2513
ESL/ELDA Celebration Family Night: October 30, 2013 Dr. Dallas 447-2548
Math/Literacy &The Arts Department Performance: December 2, 2014 Mr. Reliford (501) 447-2576
Parent/Teacher Conferences: October 20, 2014 and February 16, 2015 Mrs. Ruffins, Ms. Greenlee (501) 447- 2511, Mr. Bernard 447- 2509, Ms. Baylark 447-2510, & Mr. Anthony 447-2508
Literacy/Math/Testing Night January 15, 2014 - Ms. Braswell & Ms. S. Strong (501) 447-2536, & Dr. Dallas (501) 447-2548
Science Family Night: March 18, 2014 Mrs. Butte (501) 447-2568,
Gifted Night: February 19, 2013; Ms. Nona Whittaker 447-2577
Technology & Media: Family Night January 14, 2014
SPeD Family Night: November17, 2014 – Mrs. Cokeley (501) 447-72573
The Arts Celebrations: May 7, 2015
Parents and community leaders are encouraged to take an active role in school activities. The following are ways in which parents and community leaders are provided information: Contact Dr. Dallas at 447-2548
Extended Learning Program Dr. Dallas
Open House Preparation & Implementation Mrs. McCollum, Ms. Goldsby, Ms. Weems
Parentlink communication & Volunteer opportunities Mrs. Counts, & Ms. Salzman
Club and Team Fundraisers Mr. White, Mr. Anthony & Ms. Ellington
Registration/Check-in Mr. Langston, Mr. White, & Mrs. Ruffins
Attendance on Field Trips Mr. Bernard, Mrs. Larry & Ms. Ellington
Career Day Ms. Austin, Mrs. McCollum, & Ms. Goldsby
Hispanic Heritage, Black History, etc. programs Mr. White, Mr. Trammell, & Mr. Reliford
Campus clean-up beautification committee Mr. White, Mr. Green, & Ms. Salzman,
Parent Information Station Ms. Salzman, & Mr. Bernard
Parent Center maintenance Ms. Salzman
Field Day Mrs. Ruffins, Mr. Bernard, Ms. Baylark, Mr. White
Student Transition Programs Dr. Dallas, Mr. Bernard, Ms. Baylark
Volunteer Luncheon Dr. Dallas, Ms. Greenlee, Mrs. Kesler
Quarterly Attendance, Breakfast, & Commitment, Dr. Dallas, Ms. Braswell, & Ms. Strong
Weekly Action Team for Partnership Meetings Ms. Salzman
Monthly Parent Council Dr. Dallas
As a means of working with parents to create a School-Parent-Compact, the following will take place: Contact Mr. Langston 447-2500 or Ms. Salzman 447-2520
School and parents will collaborate and sign an agreement on the goals in improving their child’s success in the education process. Parent/Guardian, Student, Principal, Teacher Agreements
The School will provide opportunities for parents to be involved in the development, implementation and evaluation of the school wide school improvement plan, the Annual title I Meeting to engage them in the decision-making process regarding the school’s Title I, Part A Program by extending efforts and providing parents with information: Contact Dr. Dallas at 447-2548
Parents will receive information that will express opportunities for individuals to become involved in attending school meetings, planning sessions, and collaborative efforts of pooling resources to generate and implement suggestions and ideas as it relates to development, implementation and evaluation of the school’s operation to enhance academic achievement. Parents will also be asked to serve on curricular and extracurricular committees.
The school will extend effort to recruit alumni to create an alumni advisory commission to provide advice and guidance for school improvement.
The school will enable the formation of a Parent Teacher Student Association that will foster parental and community involvement within the school.
The school’s ACSIP is available in the front office for parents to review.
The school will provide resources for parents on a regular basis: Contact Ms. Salzman at 447-2520
Quarterly, our school will distribute educational informational packages to parents. Our parent center is open to parents with a variety of information documents that are relative to community resources, general educational (high school and collegiate), health/nutrition, child care, Parenting, and District/State Conferences/Trainings
The school will promote and support responsible parenting by purchasing books, magazines and other reading materials through the school library with opportunities for parents to browse and review.
The school will designate a certified staff to serve as a parent facilitator.
The school will engage parents in the evaluation of our parental involvement efforts by demonstrating the following: Contact Dr. Dallas at 447-2548
The school will extend our efforts to increase visibility of parents, involvement in PTSA, school visitations to attend roundtable discussions of identifying and addressing specific needs; as well as welcome feedback on implementation of strategies to improve parental involvement and academic achievement.
The school will use the parent interest surveys to select, plan, and implement parental involvement activities that will be offered throughout the year by demonstrating the following: Contact Office Manager at 447- 2500
The school will conduct a survey to identify parent needs, area of interests, and suggestions for generating activities that are beneficial for the family, student, school and the community. We will ask parents to evaluate our performance of meeting their needs as well as follow-through on implementation of expected activities, meetings, and academic planning sessions.
The school will evaluate the activities suggested by parents at the end of the year as part of the annual parental involvement plan evaluation.
The school will sponsor seminars and transition orientations to inform parents how to be involved in the decisions affecting course selections, career planning and preparation for postsecondary opportunities.
Annual Title I Meeting:
The school will conduct an Annual Title I meeting for and with parents of students who attend Cloverdale on September 18, 2014. The following documents, agenda, sign-in-sheets and minutes will be located in a file in the front office.
The school held the annual Title I meeting separate from any other meetings or activities to ensure that ample time is allotted to provide a description/explanation of school curriculum, information on forms of academic assessments used to measure student progress and information on proficiency level students are expected to meet
The Cloverdale Charter Middle School will use research-based instructional strategies to provide enrichment opportunities in aerospace science and technology through accelerated achievement and proficiency in literacy, mathematics, and science.